When I’m gone – II

When I'm gone, the world will mostly forget me,But for some, I'd alive forever be. Some will sigh, some will mourn,But none will shed a tear, that I'm sure.No matter where I stand, someone can replace me,Not one will have memories especially for me. I'll be forgotten or buried deep in their minds,Not the hearts,... Continue Reading →

What I wish for him…

What I wish for him? (For every couple spending their days apart during this global crisis) To have someone to hold each time he spends a restless night, He'll turn, look at her sleeping next to him, smile that smile, Kiss her forehead, pull her closer and snuggle to dream again. To have someone to... Continue Reading →

The winter breeze

The chills are soon to arrive, Blankets are ready, so are the coffee mugs, Coupled with books and lovely warm hugs. The colours would seem faded, Let not that make you gloomy and blue, Maybe you could glide through a book or two. The sun will set sooner, There'll be more time to count the... Continue Reading →

Let me break down

Let me break down n melt, For once, let me wail. Let me set aside the armor, And mourn for the fallen days. I know a fighter wears the scars with pride, But who says the pain isn’t felt every night? Agony weighs down upon me, I know not who else to trust, In you... Continue Reading →

Fear n Love

Yes, I loved and loved down to the bones, And then I feared, I’d love too much. Still, nothing could stop the emotion, And he was all I thought about. That was not all, the fear grew too, The fear of losing myself to him. But the fact, I was already lost in him, I... Continue Reading →


In a crowded street, a face struck A warm smile directed towards me. Curiously I stared as she walked closer "Hi, I am Life." And so I met her. Awestruck, she looked familiar yet unidentifiable "Oh dear, you are me! Just like me but prettier and older!" I almost shrieked and she giggled away. "I... Continue Reading →

Round peg in a square hole

Alien to my surroundings, Suffocated around people, Unfamiliar with love and Strangely effectively alive. Ambushed amongst friends Searching for peace within I take to myself as a project To accept and evolve myself. Having meals all by myself, With books and music I rejuvenate whatever is lost To make myself worthy of the greater Preparing... Continue Reading →

My identity

I think of you in every moment that I'm alone, Each time I breathe, your smell captures my soul I close my eyes and your face blinds my senses On reopening it, tears express my helplessness I dunno what to do in those moments When I crave for your presence, your touch When I hug... Continue Reading →


Silence is nowhere, yet you feel it deep within yourself. The crowds hustle, the children scream and birds chirp, Still a silence lingers on, growing deep within yourself. Still you search for silence, that is not the one within you. The one that gives a peaceful night's sleep n genuine smile, You search for that... Continue Reading →

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